7 Home Remedies That Can Relieve Toothache

One of the most common reasons for anyone to visit a Perth dentist is that they are suffering from toothache. Toothache can occur for a multitude of reasons, and it can last for just a few minutes, or continue all day. The extent of the pain can also differ, with some toothaches being slight and others being excruciatingly painful to the extent of causing a high degree of distress to the person suffering it.

Toothaches can begin at any time, and if you are at home, it might not be possible to see your dentists straight away. That means, until your appointment, you are going to have to suffer toothache. For some reading this, it will be a case of simply grinning and bearing it, but for others, the pain can be so severe that it means that you are unable to follow any of your normal routines.

Whichever end of the pain scale you find yourself, thankfully there are some home remedies for toothache you can use for some relief. Here are seven of the most effective home remedies for relieving toothache.

Rinsing With Salty Water: Salty water rinsing is one of the oldest remedies in existence for toothache, and as is often the case, the old remedies are usually the best. The water helps remove particles of food from your mouth and the salt acts as a disinfect. The solution should be made using a glass of lukewarm water and stirring in a teaspoon of salt.


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